Lying in bed at night, in the privacy of your own home, and preparing for sleep. You may have your partner sleeping right beside you. You close your eyes and slowly settle down and relax. You are now in a shallow sub - conscious state of mind just before falling to sleep.
NOTE: Not all experiences begin in this state of mind. Some occur in a fully conscious state while walking around or driving. While some are fully asleep. I am only explaining a scenario of events.
One of the first things to indicate an ôout of the ordinary" presence, is the bright white light described. Sometimes, this bright white light may fill several rooms within a house. Or just the one room that you may be in. I will centre the events within the bedroom because it seems to be the most common.
This light, although very bright, is often described as a æmajesticÆ pure white that does not hurt your eyes when looking onto it. This light can be seen with your eyes open or closed. Sometimes the light moves around the room in a more condensed form, but mainly described as filling the whole room. The light does not seem to cast shadows, and is from an unknown source. Sometimes a bright luminous blue light is described.
At this stage, you may feel as though you are fully awake but unable to move your body. As if your mind is fully awake, but your body is paralysed and unable to move.
You are thinking to yourself that ôsomething is going on hereö, but unable to respond. Sometimes you can respond, and attempt to awaken your partner laying beside you, but you are unable to awaken them. You are now left to deal with this yourself. A figure may appear from out of the light, or just from nowhere. Maybe two or three figures. You can tell that they are different. They may be small grey beings with large heads in proportion to their bodies. Have large black almond shape eyes. The typical description of the commonly described æGreysÆ. Or, as described on some occasions, taller beings. The reality of it is, that you are being visited by an æunknownÆ presence. Sometimes ætheyÆ may walk in æthroughÆ the wall or closed door.
Disabled by the white light, you may now feel an æelectrical vibrationÆ throughout your body. You are now in their control. They may sit upon your bed. You can feel the bed sink under their weight. They may touch your legs, but you still can not move. They may stroke your forehead as if to comfort you. They may apply pressure to various parts of your body. Usually around the head area. Usually this is the last you may remember until you awaken, then knowing that something strange has happened to you, but just can not remember. Sometimes you recall being physically carried. Or æfloatingÆ through the ceiling, like an out of the body experience ( O.B.E. ) Astral travelling? Sometimes you have a falling sensation.
æIt was just some silly old dreamÆ you try to convince yourself, æbut I wonÆt tell anyone about it, because they wonÆt believe me anyway, just call me crazyÆ. ( have you heard this before? Ed.) You may remember the æbeingsÆ and some type of craft, but that may be all. Others recall much detail, and are able to describe what they experienced in great detail.
Although many of these events may be explained as æDreamsÆ, the fact can not be denied that physical proof does exist. Here are some.
Unexplained marks and bruises not there before the ôdreamö.
Unexplained scar
Unexplained scratch marks
ôScoop marksö on shin or head areas
Scar, and hair removed from scalp
Unexplained small puncture marks. (single or multiple)
X-rays of æimplantsÆ
Notice grass on you feet upon awakening
Wake up naked (after going to bed clothed)
Wake up with ALL of your night gown buttons done up (when you never do them all)
Wake up with unexplained blood stains
Unusual period cycle
Feeling of being pregnant ( see and feel fetus moving in your stomach, but never give birth to baby )
Menopause symptoms suddenly change
Hear a ringing sensation in one or both ears
Unexplained æpressureÆ in the temple area of your head
Increased Psychic abilities
Hear æ voices æ in your head
See a æ kaleidoscope æ of colour when you close your eyes
Acquired scientific or specialist knowledge that you must write down
Increased Spiritual awareness
Afraid to lay on your back when going to sleep ( feel safe in the æ fetus æ position )
Walk out of the Bedroom backwards ( afraid to turn you back on the room )
A lot of abductees seem to have a long history of abduction experiences. Beginning around the age of four or five. Even their parents and grandparents may have had these experiences, but have never spoken openly about it, but when asked, know what you are talking about.
Firstly, you need to understand that you really do not have any control in stopping these events. You need to accept that if it is going to happen to you in this way, than you will have to learn to live with it. Consider yourself a ô very special person ô.
You are contributing to something that is so immense and important, we just would not be able to comprehend or accept. Some people having these experiences, and have learnt to accept the situation, have been shown some amazing things and now able to communicate with them more openly. They have been told that æ their æ job IS important, and that one day we will understand. It is that we do not approve in the method they use to get the desired results that makes it hard to understand. They do use force of various degrees, but we humans do put up a fight. ( this is of course understandable )
The main thing is to continue your life as normal as possible. Tell your story to those who really want to listen so that they may learn what is really happening to some people. Communicate with others with similar experiences and offer your support to help them through it. More Support Groups are being established by those of us that know there is nowhere to go for support when needed.
This is a very complicated and controversial subject, but those of you having these experiences know that it is real. I, as a researcher and gatherer of information want to assist in any way possible. If you have a story to tell, and would like to share it, please contact me.